Category Archives: Council/Board
Boards Must Hold Open Meetings
In the “Jalisco Condo Manual,” I say that all board meetings must be open, and that owners must be allowed to come. So… where is this in the state condo law? If you’re looking for a specific article in the Condo Law that directly says this, you’ll be disappointed. It’s one of those things that… Read more…
How to Satisfy the Legal Requirement of a Minute Book for Board Minutes
Why do you need to keep board minutes? Your condo is required by Article 1012 of the Civil Code to keep minutes of every council (board) meeting, along with their attachments. These minutes are an important part of your condo’s records that: are a permanent and legal record of the proceedings of each board meeting;… Read more…
How Condo Boards Can Deal With Difficult People
Human nature is the problem A condominium is a unique way of owning property because it forces you to work with other owners to make decisions affecting the common property. Human nature being what it is, this inevitably means conflict. Potential for disagreement exists as soon as you have more than one person involved in… Read more…
Conferencing in Meetings and Assemblies
In the past week or so I’ve received similar questions from different book owners. They were interested in knowing whether it’s proper for a board member to take part in a condo board meeting by videoconference technology (such as Skype). If you have board members who are snow birds, or if you have board members… Read more…